Thursday, March 31, 2011


My sophomore year of high school I was talking American Literature. It was with this teacher named Mrs. White, who I was terrified of at first. She looked like one of the oldest teachers in the school, and did a good job of terrifying us sophomores the first few weeks. She was tough, but taught us to be strong writers and did a fantastic job leading us through our first research papers. Of course she was just trying to scare us into compliance at first; over time I found her to be a sweet woman (she brought us all cookies after we finished our papers), always receptive and willing to help you with English. I don't know how else to describe my gratitude towards her... Especially because I had less than adequate teachers the year before and after.

But I digress.

When we discussed transcendentalists in her class, she gave us a project; we were to go out to nature for 4 hours, on our own, and bring a creative response back to class. I went into the forest with some friends, parted ways, almost got hopelessly lost and started taking  photos. I added some poems associated with each sense to my 5 best shots, and got the following images. Looking back now the poems are far from inspiring, but hey, for a sophomore this was pretty good.

She kept them as an example for years to come.


  1. Enich, I like these. In fact I think I'll try putting the "winding road" shot on my blog where I needed something to accompany my comments on Peter Agree. LDL

  2. I really like this :)
    My favorite is the paths one, too.
