Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Attitudes "changing" Landscapes.

I remember when Matt first mentioned the Hudson River School of painting; he had two paintings, one of which was Niagara Falls in all its glory, the other was Niagara Falls, still impressive, but not quite as rapturous. I think this would a good place to re-address these two images. I wish I had them.. But, each one really depicts the attitudes towards nature at the time. If you look at the first one, you can see the fear and awe of the Puritans captured in every stroke. They were in this wilderness, powerless against the whims of mother nature. Sure, it was terrifying, but it was entrancing at the same time. By creating this image the artist hoped to give the viewer a glimpse of the emotions the artist felt. The other image, conveys a different attitude. There is serenity within that painting. Nature is beautiful, but it's not to be feared any longer. Don't worry, man's got it under control! Or maybe the message wasn't that domineering. The images merely became more scenic. This reflects the times in multiple ways. Society was moving away from the environment it was once in. These landscapes served as a reminder. As technology developed people were more in control of the role nature played in their lives. With the confidence of society, people could explore the boundaries with confidence and curiosity rather than apprehension and fear. All of these details are reflected in those styles.

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