Thursday, March 17, 2011

Teh intertubez

I've talked a lot recently about how the itnernet is changing the way Americans communicate with one another, and how it is quickly becoming the medium through which American values are manifesting themselves. I've discussed the press becoming electronic, and in our group paper one of our main points was the evolution voluntary associations onto the internet. I wasn't sure how to discuss this, and then I realized:

I have a blog.
Two blogs, actually.

And quickly I'm realizing what sort of connections these can make. I believe it was Athena who mentioned that anyone from across the country, even world can read these. We're blowing up our audience from simple American voluntary associations into a world community. Cross-cultural groups can be formed to address our issues.

Maybe this lull in social capital is simply an adjustment, building the foundations for a mass increase in social capital across the world. Or maybe I'm just quixotic. Only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing ideas bloom. And here I see it in binary impulses. Yes, the inter-net allows, even enhances, some kinds of connection. No argument from me there; but, I urge you to now push on to more finely grained insights. Which sorts of connections are enhanced? Are some possible this way that were not before? Do some sorts of connection require embodied, face-to-face interaction? Keep thinking!!!
    Today I am rooting about for readings on trains and thinking about how those changed American society: speed, standardized time, etc. What parallels and what differences with the new "super information highway?"
