Friday, October 29, 2010

Tea Party... not so much.

Now this is going to be hard for me, because I do not like the tea party. Not a bit. Like, at all. However, there's a trend in America right now claiming that all the tea partiers are crazies going around shooting guns calling everyone socialist Hitlers. Now, there are people that do that. And believing all of them are like that makes the tea party even easier to hate than it already is. But there is a core of people who actually have political ideals represented by the tea party. From what I can understand their main belief is in the control of government. It's sort of like libertarianism, where they believe politics shouldn't too closely intervene in their lives interrupting their "freedoms" and taxes should be much lower than they already are. It's the platform I disagree, and that's why I dislike the party. The added hysteria is just another reason to tack on after the fact (and I definitely think there are a lot more hysterics in the tea party than in other parties, but that is completely my opinion and probably isn't based in any sort of reality). I'm less of a libertarian and more of a Rawlsian, but that's a discussion I'll leave for another day.

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