Sunday, September 26, 2010

You Go Girl!

Anne Hutchinson finally made the Puritans more interesting for me. Prior to this I found it hard to engage in the materials we've been reading, but now I'm hooked. To me, Anne Hutchinson represents the fundamental freedom America is built on- the freedom to pursue who you are truly meant to be. Anne Hutchinson fought for this freedom. She realized her own personal power and the power of women in general. She saw that her circumstances prevented that freedom, and strove to change the circumstance. In the other article I read the author describes the system the Puritan men had in place, and every aspect of that society was geared to prevent women from self-actualization. They were to remain submissive constantly, not even free to experience God in the same way men were. Hutchinson sought to level the spiritual playing field and open up the faith to women, and arguably eventually recreate the woman's role in Puritan life. There is something deeply respectable about her actions, and her willingness to stand up in opposition to all of those against her. I believe she is the model of a valuable American citizen. I just can't stop fawning over her courageousness, I find her truly remarkable and hope that we will read about more characters like her, and that all of us may strive to gain some of her qualities.

1 comment:

  1. Enich,
    Hurray! I'm delighted that you are hooked.
    A caution, remember to include good documentation information in your posts. Someone else might like to find that "other article," but you have not provided enough information for that person to follow up. Also, you might want to go back to the exact passage later.
