Thursday, February 24, 2011


I don't know where to begin. In case you haven't heard, Libya is in a sort of civil war. I'm not positive on all the details... my understanding was that Libyans, inspired by the recent events in Egypt and protests in other countries, started protesting Kadafi's tyrannical rule. Kadafi in response sent out the military to put down any protesters. They were being shot by 5 inch bullets. Doctors attempting to treat any wounded protesters were killed, and a mass grave was found full of soldiers who refused to follow orders. Now the opposition controls some cities, the government other, and skermishes ensue.

We're spending some time talking about our democratic ideas. In the reading Ryan talked a lot about congregations of people who would get together for whatever reason to talk about anything they supported. Here we have a long history of freedom of speech. Sometimes, we aren't the best at promoting all the first amendment rights. Also, we should not be the "democratic police", going around the world telling people how to run their countries. However, we do have a moral obligation to promote human rights for all. So as people (not necessarily Americans) we should do our best to support Libyans in this struggle. If this means using some of the powers the US has in order to ensure the promotion of human life, so be it. Right now ensuring peace is more important than anything else.


  1. Hey enich, check out this for basically ALL the information on Libya:

    it's a live blog from the Middle East's number one news source and it's a by-the-minute account of the insanity that's happening in North Africa right now.

  2. Enich, I wonder what your response to the FDR speech we read in September would be now? He was preparing to overcome an isolationist mood and encouraging Americans to consider their responsibility in the world. You call this is a moral obligation. I think that is important. LDL
