Friday, December 9, 2011

Eating and Breathing St. Olaf

Within the past week I have found myself completely immersed in St. Olaf history. After reading just about every book's opinion on Olaf in the 1920's and flipping through pages of letters and emails in the archives I've reached the point where I think it's safe to say I understand St. Olaf during the 1920's. Now that means I"m ready to write my paper!

Unfortunately, it's an hour and a half before class and I still want to look through Manitou Mess articles before I get too involved with a paper. Well, at least I have this paragraph:

From the image you find of Lena Kantor this Friday morning you would think she was the epitome of studiousness. However, that wouldn’t be accurate. As she wakes up she pushes the copy of Babitt  off of her face and gently rubs her eyes. The book falls to the floor as she hears the clattering of Mohn Hall’s kitchen below (SOURCE). She props herself to glance at the clock. “Fantastic,” she murmured to herself, “awake an hour before I have to be again.” Dejectedly, she collapses back onto her pillow. With the clamoring continuing Lena cannot loose to focus to fall back to sleep. Instead she finds herself drawn into the deep blue of Babitt’s cover, and soon she finds herself thumbing through the pages again.  Lena’s literary society, Delta Iota, had taken up Sinclair Lewis’ most recent novel to be representative “Torchbearers of Inquiry”- the motto of their own society (SOURCE). It seems as if it was mere moments of being immersed in Babbitt’s affair that Lena heard the scampering of her freshmen’s feet down the hallway. Lena hopped out of bed, put on her skirt and hat and whatever else she would wear and trotted down the steps to the basement where three quarters of the school was gathering for breakfast (SOURCE) (SOURCE). 

I still need to clean it up a bit. I also have an outline for the rest of her day, but considering that took me to almost a page I might have to cut some information out. 

1 comment:

  1. Enich, Lovely. Do I detect just a hint of the opening of Quicksand in the background? LDL
